Friday, June 21, 2013

My Latest Project "Here and Now: But What About Tomorrow

Solar energy is finally being recognized for the power and inherent beauty it possess.  It's usage is on the rise and accounts for ". . . 48% of new electric capacity in Q1 2013." in the U.S., according to Solar Energy Industries Associations (U.S. Solar Market Insight),  This is great news!

However, with mega solar projects being installed, such as the one in Franklin County Vermont, or the in the Mojave Desert in California, by Ivanpah,, I believe there is reason to worry and now!

The current project I am working on, "Here and Now: But What About Tomorrow" depicts alterations to the landscape as a result of our energy needs.  Take a look at the beginning stages of my project and decide for yourself, or at least see how aimlessly scarring the landscapes with wires, utility poles, substations, and damns, has created at the very least an eye soar.  So what will be the repercussions of literally blocking out blanketing the Earth with monstrous solar arrays.

Believe me, to see the entire planet powered by renewable energies would be a dream come true for me and I even have a trackable solar panel on my property.  However, great mindfulness, diligence, and research was taken before doing so.  Erecting an solar panel was not and is not about how much money it costs or how much of a savings it will be.  It is about how much I can do to be carbon neutral and leave as little trace as possible of my existence on this Earth.  The resources on this planet are not mine for the taking, but to borrow for the very short and minute time that I do exist.

Let me know what you think.  Please just remember this is a professional site. Thanks!

Monday, June 10, 2013

"Sugaring: 40 to 1 Odds" (Magazine Layout)

In addition to the video that I created for this project, I also created a magazine layout which provides further insight into the sugaring process both visually and factually.  Our local county field days has a contest for maple syrup.  I think Scott should enter his syrup and see how his syrup fares against the rest, as it is the best I have ever tasted.  So maybe in 2014, I will be posting some blue ribbon photographs of his winning syrup...  check back and see.

Sugaring in Vermont

   My least favorite time of year is spring.  As it is the season that stands between me and summer. However, in Vermont spring is broken down into sub-seasons, sugaring season and mud season. During this past spring I was able to find a creative way to shake off the hibernation of winter and create a video of our sugaring operation. For those not familiar with the term sugaring, it refers to the process of gathering sap from maple trees and then transforming it into maple syrup.

  Check out the video and let me know what your thoughts are on this very organic process and any experiences you have had with sugaring. For some I bet this conjures up some nostalgic memories and for others this is a whole new experience.